We're now in Lagos, Portugal. We hauled out last Wednesday and got the bottom painted, now we're back in the water at the Lagos Marina while Stu goes home for a few days. Lagos seems to be almost entirely populated by the British. The marina is full of liveaboards who are either wintering here or just live here, and the town's many bars are full of holidaymakers, even this late in the season.
We had a long, mostly uneventful motor (a brief episode with water pump belts notwithstanding) to Lagos from Porto, in wind speeds ranging from 0 to 0. We did pass the Russian sail training vessel Mir, powering the other direction in the lack of wind with her staysails set.
Leixoes, the marina for Porto, was weirdly hazy. The region is known for fog, but it was unlike any fog we'd seen before - low, hot, and clinging to the ground. Walking along the beach boardwalk from the harbor to the grocery store, we soon lost sight of the jetty walls in the haze.
To follow our journey, take a look at our GPS tracker at this website:
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